Class SelectBoxUtils

  • public final class SelectBoxUtils
    extends TolerantInteraction
    Utilities class providing support methods for Select Boxes While this is straight forward, its less than obvious to newcomers. Feel free not to use this at all and just do it with WebDriver!
    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectBoxUtils

        public SelectBoxUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • itemByHtmlValueAttribute

        public static void itemByHtmlValueAttribute​(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement selectBox,
                                                    String htmlValue)
        Selects an option that has a matching value attribute in the Options tag markup
        selectBox - active WebElement, already located
        htmlValue - HTML value attribute
      • itemByIndex

        public static void itemByIndex​(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement selectBox,
                                       int index)
        Selects an option by the index of the option in the list. The input is NOT zero based, we're normalising the input internally.
        selectBox - active WebElement, already located
        index - index in order of display
      • itemByVisibleText

        public static void itemByVisibleText​(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement selectBox,
                                             String visibleText)
        Selects an option by the text that is visible in the select box
        selectBox - active WebElement, already located
        visibleText - visible text in the select box (NOT the HTML value attribute)
      • tolerantItemByHtmlValueAttribute

        public static void tolerantItemByHtmlValueAttribute​(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement webElement,
                                                            String htmlValue,
                                                            int timeout)
                                                     throws Throwable
        webElement - active WebElement, already located
        htmlValue - HTML value attribute
        timeout - time in seconds to keep trying
        Throwable - any unhandled or un-tolerated exception
      • tolerantItemByHtmlValueAttribute

        public static void tolerantItemByHtmlValueAttribute​(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement webElement,
                                                            String htmlValue)
                                                     throws Throwable
        webElement - active WebElement, already located
        htmlValue - HTML value attribute
        Throwable - any unhandled or un-tolerated exception
      • tolerantItemByVisibleText

        public static void tolerantItemByVisibleText​(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement webElement,
                                                     String visibleText,
                                                     int timeout)
                                              throws Throwable
        webElement - active WebElement, already located
        visibleText - visible text in the select box (NOT the HTML value attribute)
        timeout - time in seconds to keep trying
        Throwable - any unhandled or un-tolerated exception
      • tolerantItemByVisibleText

        public static void tolerantItemByVisibleText​(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement webElement,
                                                     String visibleText)
                                              throws Throwable
        webElement - active WebElement, already located
        visibleText - visible text in the select box (NOT the HTML value attribute)
        Throwable - any unhandled or un-tolerated exception
      • tolerantItemByIndex

        public static void tolerantItemByIndex​(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement webElement,
                                               int index,
                                               int timeout)
                                        throws Throwable
        webElement - active WebElement, already located
        index - index in order of display
        timeout - time in seconds to keep trying
        Throwable - any unhandled or un-tolerated exception
      • tolerantItemByIndex

        public static void tolerantItemByIndex​(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement webElement,
                                               int index)
                                        throws Throwable
        webElement - active WebElement, already located
        index - index in order of display
        Throwable - any unhandled or un-tolerated exception