Class RadioButtonUtils

  • public final class RadioButtonUtils
    extends TolerantInteraction
    Utility methods to select radio buttons
    • Constructor Detail

      • RadioButtonUtils

        public RadioButtonUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • selectByLabel

        public static void selectByLabel​(List<org.openqa.selenium.WebElement> webElements,
                                         String visibleLabelText)
        Given a list of WebElements that locate the labels of the radio buttons, finds the radio button with the given visible label text and selects it.
        webElements - active WebElements, already located
        visibleLabelText - text that is visible on the page in the label tags
      • tolerantSelectByLabel

        public static void tolerantSelectByLabel​(List<org.openqa.selenium.WebElement> webElements,
                                                 String visibleLabelText,
                                                 int timeout)
                                          throws Throwable
        webElements - active WebElements, already located
        visibleLabelText - text that is visible on the page in the label tags
        timeout - time in seconds to keep trying
        Throwable - any unhandled or un-tolerated exception
      • tolerantSelectByLabel

        public static void tolerantSelectByLabel​(List<org.openqa.selenium.WebElement> webElements,
                                                 String visibleLabelText)
                                          throws Throwable
        webElements - active WebElements, already located
        visibleLabelText - text that is visible on the page in the label tags
        Throwable - any unhandled or un-tolerated exception